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Cosplaying Keanu Reeves John Wick? Here Are Some Pointers

Cosplaying Keanu Reeves John Wick? Here Are Some Pointers
Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock lately, there’s no way you haven’t noticed the ongoing lovefest for the fountain of wholesomeness that is none other than Hollywood actor Keanu Reeves.

It seemed that Reeves’ popularity reached its apex back in the early 2000s when he starred as Neo in the “Matrix” movies. As it turns out though, Reeves hadn’t even reached his peak yet. These days, Reeves has become one of the world’s most beloved celebrities.

He’s inspired the creation of lists, such as this one put together by Dorkly, that highlight his wholesomeness and kindness. The 54-year-old actor even managed to get the audience at “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert” to let out a collective “aww” of affection and loud applause when he provided a profound answer to one of life’s most difficult questions.

All those instances of Reeves seemingly being the most wholesome man on the planet work to make it even more incredible that he is also the star of the violent and action-packed “John Wick” franchise.

The three films in the series have already raked in more than $500 million worldwide and they’ve also received rave reviews from fans and critics alike. The franchise has entertained fans with its thrilling action sequences, but at the heart of it all is Reeves portraying the titular character perfectly.

It also helps that Reeves looks incredibly cool in all of those movies. If you are among the many men around the world who would like to see how the John Wick look works for you, then please read on to learn more about how you can pull that off. 

The Suit

The suit is most definitely the most iconic element of John Wick’s look, so let’s start there.

Unfortunately, you’re probably going to have a hard time finding a suit that fits as well as what Reeves is wearing in the movies. As designer Luca Mosca told the Gentleman’s Journal, the suits featured in the films are tailored exactly to Reeves’ body.

The suits may look simple, but they were meticulously tailored to give Reeves a wide range of motion while still looking great.

To recreate the look of the suit to the best of your ability, you can get a slim-fitting jacket. Notably, Mosca says that the suits used in the film are actually dark gray instead of black. If you have the time, try to look for a suit jacket with that type of color.

Pair that jacket up with a black turtleneck or dress shirt and you’re well on your way to achieving the “John Wick” look.

Also make it a point to look for slacks that feature the same color as your jacket to feature cohesion throughout your outfit. 

The Accessories

John Wick is the embodiment of a man dressed to kill, and it would seem that the accessories preferred by a gentleman of that nature are all colored black.

Whether it’s his belt, his socks, or even the holster for his gun, John Wick doesn’t mess around and simply reaches for those black accessories.  The good news is that you should be able to find black belts, black socks, and even black gun holsters if you need to.

Take the time to pick out the right shoes as well. As you would expect, John Wick likes to keep it simple and just goes with some black dress shoes.

If you want your cosplay to stand out just a bit more, try wearing the Mare from Belvedere Shoes. They still fit in with the John Wick ensemble but they also add just that bit of oomph that will help your look become more memorable.
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